Saturday, July 7, 2012

Why didn't you carry me?

July 7, 2012
Again, it takes me forever to figure out how to post on here.  I need to do it more regularly!!!
So, a couple of nites ago, Maddy was in the tub and I was sitting beside the tub and she asks, "Why don't you know how to carry babies?"  And I tell her I do know; and I show her how to hold a tiny baby."  After a lot of stumbling, she finally gets out, "NO, why didn't you know how to carry me in your belly?"  Whoooosh, a big ol hit to the gut.  Was not expecting that quite so soon.  Not sure why, but it brought tears to my eyes; I think I felt like she was accusing me of letting her down.  I gathered myself and told her that God made that decision and that he chose Amy to help us build our family.  I explained that Amy couldn't take care of another baby so she asked us if we would do it.  And I explained how grateful we all are.  She apparently is not listening, because she says, "And where is my boy?"  Again, a lot of stumbling later, she gets out, "which boy made me?"  I tell her his name is Elijah and I change the subject.  This little girl is on the ball!!!

Other news, we started potty training (again) yesterday and she actually pooped in the potty!!!  We are sooo proud of her.  Day 2 is going ok. She is stubborn!!

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