Tuesday, July 31, 2012

So the other morning Maddy pops up out of her crib and tells me she wants me to wash her pajama bottoms hand to hand.  I was surprised and asked why.  She told me about a hole I have in a shirt and one Stephen has in his shirt, so she thinks its best not to do hers in the machine!!

In the store today Maddy informed me that she didn't like those boys (mannequins).  I told her that was ok, she didn't know them, so she didn't need to talk to them or look at them.  She then told a clerk on the floor and at the register in that store, a clerk in another store and finally Haven, that she didn't like those boys.  Poor people had no idea what she was talking about as she goes on about how she doesn't know them and she didn't need to talk to them!

When we left PT, Maddy asked me if the people in the waiting room prayed for her when she was in the hospital (3 months ago:  ).  I just kind of mumbled over that, not wanting to lie.  When Haven got here, Maddy ran out and grabbed her hand to bring her in and asked her if she prayed for her when she was in the hospital.  Haven said yes and shrugged.  We don't want to lie, but if Haven had known about Maddy's surgery she would have prayed for her!!

Tonite, I was on the phone with Sheila and Maddy had to go potty.  So, I wiped her and went into the family room to continue the conversation and Maddy played with her dolls.  I happen to glance over and see her standing in her potty.  I think to myself that I pray I emptied it, but I know with a sinking feeling that I didn't.  Sure enough there are pee pee tracks all around the kitchen.  And she shows me where she dipped some papers in pee pee too.  UGH!!  I picked her up and put her in the sink and washed her feet, legs, hands and arms.  Then I put her on a rug and told her to stay there while I emptied the pot and washed the floor.  I turned around to see her walking on the wet floor and as I started to tell her to go back, whoosh she falls on her butt and starts wailing.  Oh my heart just broke.  I started to cry as I picked her up.  I felt soooo bad for her.  So I carried her and lovey to the sofa and covered her and went to get her a drink.  As I walked away, she asks me, in between sobs, to get the butterfly one (blanket) too.  I knew she would be ok.  And she stopped crying in 2 seconds!!

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