Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Last nite, Maddy asked her Daddy to help her and he turned around and knocked her into the cupboard and she hurt her foot.  She doesn't usually cry, so when she began crying immediately, we knew it hurt.  He went to comfort her and she looked at me and said, "Mommy, Daddy hurted me."  Oh, it was so sad, Stephen felt so bad.   She got a little red spot on her foot and she told him, "Daddy, you cut me."  It didn't break the skin, but she wanted a band aid and ice.  Two minutes later she was fine:  )

So the other morning Maddy pops up out of her crib and tells me she wants me to wash her pajama bottoms hand to hand.  I was surprised and asked why.  She told me about a hole I have in a shirt and one Stephen has in his shirt, so she thinks its best not to do hers in the machine!!

In the store today Maddy informed me that she didn't like those boys (mannequins).  I told her that was ok, she didn't know them, so she didn't need to talk to them or look at them.  She then told a clerk on the floor and at the register in that store, a clerk in another store and finally Haven, that she didn't like those boys.  Poor people had no idea what she was talking about as she goes on about how she doesn't know them and she didn't need to talk to them!

When we left PT, Maddy asked me if the people in the waiting room prayed for her when she was in the hospital (3 months ago:  ).  I just kind of mumbled over that, not wanting to lie.  When Haven got here, Maddy ran out and grabbed her hand to bring her in and asked her if she prayed for her when she was in the hospital.  Haven said yes and shrugged.  We don't want to lie, but if Haven had known about Maddy's surgery she would have prayed for her!!

Tonite, I was on the phone with Sheila and Maddy had to go potty.  So, I wiped her and went into the family room to continue the conversation and Maddy played with her dolls.  I happen to glance over and see her standing in her potty.  I think to myself that I pray I emptied it, but I know with a sinking feeling that I didn't.  Sure enough there are pee pee tracks all around the kitchen.  And she shows me where she dipped some papers in pee pee too.  UGH!!  I picked her up and put her in the sink and washed her feet, legs, hands and arms.  Then I put her on a rug and told her to stay there while I emptied the pot and washed the floor.  I turned around to see her walking on the wet floor and as I started to tell her to go back, whoosh she falls on her butt and starts wailing.  Oh my heart just broke.  I started to cry as I picked her up.  I felt soooo bad for her.  So I carried her and lovey to the sofa and covered her and went to get her a drink.  As I walked away, she asks me, in between sobs, to get the butterfly one (blanket) too.  I knew she would be ok.  And she stopped crying in 2 seconds!!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Well, potty training is going much better.  We have had 3 days of no accidents.  Although today was not good.  We started swim lessons, went into the YMCA so she could play and I could work out.  Then met Heather and girls at Chi-fil-a.  I could see Maddy grabbing onto some boys (surprise) so I went in to tell her to stop and she says, "Mommy, I peed."  Sure enough, all over the rubber floor, her socks, etc...soaking wet.  So I told the worker and she said they can't pull the floor up, so we just patted it dry and I changed Maddy.
Tonite, Judy, next door neighbor came over and we were standing outside, talking while Maddy danced around with the American Flag, saying the ABC's and talking about the United States of America.  And I look and see her standing in a big puddle on the sidewalk.  ARGH!  She was doing so well.  I explained it was ok and that she just needed to let me know.
Later, she says she needs to poop.    She sits down and starts talking about how the daddy is coming out first.  (she says it hurts, poor thing.) "Here he comes, the daddy and the baby is right behind him.  No, the baby doesn't want to come out yet, cause she is eating and has to take her plate to the sink.  No, she isn't coming out because she is still eating dinner with her mama."  A little time passes and she starts again..."Here she comes, she is taking her plate to the sink.  No, baby doesn't want to come out without Mama and there isn't enough space to come out."

I couldn't keep a straight face!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Potty training sucks.  It is hard enough, but we have a very strong willed girl here.  We are giving skittles, smarties and m & m's for treats.  In between we have toys she can earn.  Sometimes she pulls her panties down and runs to the pot.  Other times, we ask her to try and she throws a fit and refuses.  So we set the timer and give her 2 or 3 more minutes, to appease her.  That almost always works.  IF we stick to the timer.  Otherwise, I hear, "Mommy, I am peeing."  And sure enough there is a huge puddle around her.  How she holds that much in there, I have no idea!!!
Then yesterday, I come home from church and Stephen asks me if I made a deal with Maddy: 2 M & M's for every mosquito bite she has. (she has a ton!!) I start laughing; of course I never made that deal. Silly girl!!  She is too smart!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Why didn't you carry me?

July 7, 2012
Again, it takes me forever to figure out how to post on here.  I need to do it more regularly!!!
So, a couple of nites ago, Maddy was in the tub and I was sitting beside the tub and she asks, "Why don't you know how to carry babies?"  And I tell her I do know; and I show her how to hold a tiny baby."  After a lot of stumbling, she finally gets out, "NO, why didn't you know how to carry me in your belly?"  Whoooosh, a big ol hit to the gut.  Was not expecting that quite so soon.  Not sure why, but it brought tears to my eyes; I think I felt like she was accusing me of letting her down.  I gathered myself and told her that God made that decision and that he chose Amy to help us build our family.  I explained that Amy couldn't take care of another baby so she asked us if we would do it.  And I explained how grateful we all are.  She apparently is not listening, because she says, "And where is my boy?"  Again, a lot of stumbling later, she gets out, "which boy made me?"  I tell her his name is Elijah and I change the subject.  This little girl is on the ball!!!

Other news, we started potty training (again) yesterday and she actually pooped in the potty!!!  We are sooo proud of her.  Day 2 is going ok. She is stubborn!!