Friday, February 8, 2013

A few weeks ago, Maddy had a hissy fit about eating at the table with Stephen and I.  She said she wanted to "eat lonely."  I almost burst out laughing.  But, I didn't!  She wanted to watch a show on the computer.  She said that we could have an adult meal and that she loved us, but we could take care of each other.

One afternoon she told me she had a dream that all her friends were at the trapeze and fell off.  C3P0 was there and R2D2 and then Darth Vader broke both of his legs.

Last week, I was talking to Sylvia on the phone.  Maddy was quiet in the kitchen but I didn't want to rock the boat because S gets so irritated when her conversations are interrupted.  So...I should have known.  Maddy comes walking to me with a handful of hair in her hands, "Mommy, I cut my hair."  I almost cried.  As she is walking she is leaving a trail of hair.  Fortunately, she has the long curls around it so it is hard to see that right above her forehead is a patch of 1/4 inch hair!!!
When I put Maddy to bed, I told her that she really shouldn't cut her own hair; that people go to school to learn how to do that.  She asked if she could "tell" me a few questions.  She asked if she could be a hair cutter when she grew up and what school would she go to.  I told her and then she proceeded to tell me all the other things she wanted to be and asked me what schools she would go to to learn how to do those jobs.  A Doctor, a dentist, a driver - of buses, a pilot - of planes, no of helicopters.  I told her we could talk more about it in the AM.  She asked me to write them down so we could discuss them.  So I did.  She also wants to be a sprinkler fixer, a car doctor, a ring master, a builder and do e-nastics (her pronunciation for gymnastics!)
As soon as she got up the next morning she ran into our room and asked me where her list was and to show it to daddy.
Tonite she told Stephen she also wants to be a nurse, a basketball player and a teacher.

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