Thursday, January 19, 2012

So Maddy is singing a song and I thought I recognized the tune, but not quite sure since I didn't recognize the words: "Attention, attention, we all fall down!"

Driving in the car the other nite, Stephen and I heard Maddy say, "What the hell?" We looked at each other, then at Maddy and asked what she said. When she repeated it, over and over realized she was talking about a HILL!

After picking her up at Jan's house, Maddy told us that she "laid on the doggies." We asked how they liked it. She said, "I tried to hug them, but the didn't let me."

Maddy likes me to tell her stories. If I don't start correctly, she stops me and says, "No Mommy, Once upon a time..."

So I asked her to tell me a story and she says, "Once upon a time, there was a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny punkin. And there was a daddy punkin and a mommy punkin..." And then she kind of lost interest in her own story.

So Maddy is sitting on her potty in my bathroom and she reaches into my toilet room and says she needs a magazine. I told her she didn't need one because she wouldn't be there that long. She got up anyway and got a Reader's Digest. She flipped thru it and then said. I don't like this one. I need another one.

While we are in the car we take turns listening to Maddy music and Mommy music. I try to find a song I really like and will flip thru to get a good one. Maddy has started to say, "No, not this one." or "This is a good one."

Today I thanked Maddy for having such a great day at school today. She hugged me and said, "You're so welcome, Mommy!"

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