Monday, September 26, 2011

no nap singing girl

So Maddy has decided she doesn't need a nap. However, she later falls asleep - in her high chair, in the car, on the sofa, etc. and sleeps for more than an hour. I try to put her down, then lay down for a nap (please), but I hear, "Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy." I open my eyes and see through my bedroom door, into her bedroom door - there she is leaning far out her crib and staring right at me. UGH, so I get up and she wraps her arms around me and says, "Get out!" So we try the whole ritual again. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But I can always count on entertainment as she is trying to go to sleep. Lots of singing occurs. I hear Happy Birthday being sung - to Andrew and Katherine (Godsiblings), then "Dancing the wormon polka, yip, yip, yip), from the show the Backyardigans. It is so hard not to laugh out loud.

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