Wednesday, September 28, 2011

girl talk

Walking into MOPS, Maddy was a little nervous and asked me to carry her - all 40lbs. I said that mommy's back hurt and as I picked her up she told me she would hold me tight. And she squeezed really tight and gave the best hug - and my back really did feel better!!

The next day, when I walked in to pick her up from school, she excitedly said, "Look what I drew, Mommy, " as she ran over to her bag, pulled out her folder and showed me her new painting!!

Later that day when her daddy called, she took the phone from me and tried to hook it onto her shirt (as she has seen her mommy do.) I helped her hook it on and she walked around chatting to her daddy. He asked her to find something red and she picked up a red car and "showed" it to him by holding it up to the number panel on the phone!

This morning she woke - after SLEEPING ALL night long - and said, "GET ME OUT of here!!" After 11 hours of her sleeping, I was happy to get her out. NO nap at school made for a very LONG, whiny, irritable afternoon yesterday.

Monday, September 26, 2011

no nap singing girl

So Maddy has decided she doesn't need a nap. However, she later falls asleep - in her high chair, in the car, on the sofa, etc. and sleeps for more than an hour. I try to put her down, then lay down for a nap (please), but I hear, "Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy." I open my eyes and see through my bedroom door, into her bedroom door - there she is leaning far out her crib and staring right at me. UGH, so I get up and she wraps her arms around me and says, "Get out!" So we try the whole ritual again. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But I can always count on entertainment as she is trying to go to sleep. Lots of singing occurs. I hear Happy Birthday being sung - to Andrew and Katherine (Godsiblings), then "Dancing the wormon polka, yip, yip, yip), from the show the Backyardigans. It is so hard not to laugh out loud.