Monday, October 8, 2012

Last week Stephen was driving Maddy to one of their dates.  He turned the music up really loud.  Maddy asked him to turn it down cause it was hurting the other cars' ears.

Yesterday on a date to Target and Starbucks, she asked to go to the car wash (which she always says she is afraid of; she hasn't been in one since she was about 1 - when she freaked out!).  They went through it and she said she wasn't scared, but the brushes hurt her ears.

At nap time, Stephen put her down and then she called out, "Daddy, DADDY!"  He went to her and she asked "Dad, why does R2-D2 not have eyes or a mouth?"  He replied, "He has speaker to make sounds and that big blue lens has a camera behind it so he can see. He also has many sensors to detecting the world around him."