Thursday, September 27, 2012

I got a little cut on my toe and so when Maddy asked, I told her what happened.  No big deal; when I was at the AKA meeting, I tripped and caught my toe on the chair.  The next day, I told Maddy I was going to another meeting and she said, "Be careful, Mommy."  I must have looked puzzled, (which I was) because she said, "Don't trip like you did at your last meeting!"
Too smart!!!

Yesterday, Maddy had a cold and I was bummed because I didn't want to miss MOPS.  Stephen generously stayed with her so I could attend and hear the speaker on discipline.  I came home pumped and rejuvenated, ready to try some new strategies and methods.
At prayers last nite, I asked Maddy to say one thing she was thankful for.  She said she was thankful for her kitties.  But she was sad that they had to do up to heaven and be with God.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Maddy woke up with a swollen, red eye.  I asked if it hurt, itched or felt like something was in there.  She said it felt like something was in there.  I asked what, she said, "an eyeball."

Our girl

We try to pray together every nite and we usually say something about taking care of our baby-to-be, wherever it may be.  Tonite, Stephen got home late and he sat down to eat and asked us to pray with him.  We said grace together then Maddy asked her Daddy to pray for the baby, like this "Dear God, please take care of the baby, keep the baby toasty oasty roasty and cozy in the belly.  Take care of the momma and make sure she doesn't cry.  And if she needs anything she can ask God for help."

Maddy asked me one day what made me cry and I said different things.  I asked her what made her cry and she said,

One day we were talking about dragons and how they are make-believe and no reason to be scared.  I said, "you know, like how we pretend kitties talk?"  She looked at me like I dropped a bomb on her and said, "Kitties talk. I can understand them.  All the time."

Random quotes:
"Mommy, let's make sure our baby boy or girl doesn't eat a lot of candy so her teeth don't rot out."
"When we get our baby, I will go to work like Daddy and be grown-up and you and the baby can stay home and be Mommys.  Then we will have 2 daddys, 2 mommys and 2 sisters."
"I don't want a brother or a sister, I want a baby boy or girl."
"I am getting ready for the baby.  I put out diapers, blankets, a play mat and I have a pack and play for it."