Monday, April 30, 2012

Catching up

It took me forever to find the blog, then longer to figure out how to post to it.  Now I can't remember what I was going to write.  It's 3 AM and Maddy and I are both coughing.  She just had her adenoids out and tubes in over a week ago, so we had hoped that was the end of the snotty nose.  Poor baby.  She kept coughing so Stephen went in and she was sitting up, so he brought her to our bed.  She immediately reached for my iPad and tried to play Scrabble.  Then she closed it and found Angry Birds.  She said she didn't know how to do it and Stephen said there were lots I hadn't played yet.  I said that I had stopped playing it and I didn't know how to play the new ones.  Maddy said, "I will show you.!"

We practiced breathing in the mask and told Maddy she would go to sleep for surgery.  What a trooper!  We woke her at 4:30 AM and I changed her diaper and she says, "What kind of diaper is that?"  (She always wants to know what kind of bubbles, broom, bread, whatever..."  Stephen carried her in her pjs and we waited til they called us back.  Maddy got a gown and played on the iPad while nurses and others came in.  When they came to walk her back, Maddy took the nurses hand and calmly walked with her.   We were amazed; couldn't believe she didn't cry!!  After surgery, I went in and she was thrashing and crying.  Apparently they forgot to tell us that kids often are delirious after surgery and don't understand they are coming out of anesthesia.  When Stephen walked in, Maddy and I were both crying, she in pain and confusion, me in frustration about not being able to help my baby girl.  She finally settled and was still a bit out of it.  We brought her home and she took a 1/2 hour nap and then that was it.  She didn't want to avoid any foods or activities!  Her teacher brought her 2 baby doll bottles (that she said Maddy loves to play with at school.)  It was soooo sweet of her to stop by.  Miss Barbara had her 2 boys in the car so Maddy got to meet them...a highlight for her:  )